Available 24/7 for Consultations (502) 509-7002

Personal Injury Attorney

Have you been hurt in an accident? Have you suffered from a slip and fall injury? Nichole T Compton and Associates is ready to help. Nichole has over 15 years of experience assisting people to get the compensation they deserve from their accidents. Call today to start the process, 502-509-7002.

Dog Bite

Dog bites are a painful experience. The process to get compensation for the injury shouldn't be. Nichole makes getting compensation from a dog bite straightforward. She makes sure you get the money you need for recovery and any examinations required.

Slip & Fall

You deserve to work in a safe place. You should never have to worry about falling at your favorite store or restaurant. Let Nichole help you as you heal by representing you in and slip and fall cases. Whether you were on the job or enjoying a shopping spree, she will take care of you.

Car / Motorcycle Accident

There are so many factors to think about after suffering an accident. Whether you were rear-ended in your car or bumped of your motorcycle, Nichole will represent you. She dedicates herself to ensuring that you get proper compensation and helping you through other processes as she can.

If you were injured due to someone else's negligence, now is the time to call Nichole at 502-509-7002.

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